In Press
In Press/20170811
Number | Type | 作者 | Author | Received | Accepted | Note (通訊作者) |
1 | 10531 | Orignal | 陳苡芃、李玉嬋、呂欣芹、劉珣瑛、劉惠青、方俊凱 | I-Peng Chen, Yu-Chan Li, Hsin-Chin Lu, Shen-Ing Liu, Hui-Ching Liu, Chun-Kai Fang | 2016.06.20 | 2017.12.18 | 方俊凱 |
Topic | 中文:自殺者遺族之說故事團體治療的內容分析 英文:A Content Analysis of Storytelling Groups for Survivors of Suicide |
2 | 10648 | Orignal | 林宗瑩、張志誠、蘇建安、Mirja Koschorke、Graham Thornicroft | Chung-Ying Lin, Chih-Cheng Chang, Jian-An Su, Mirja Koschorke, Graham Thornicroft | 2017.11.20 | 2017.12.12 | 張志誠 |
Topic | 中文:內化烙印量表應用於精神疾患病人之再測能力和最小可偵測之變化值 英文:Family Stigma Stress Scale in Family Caregivers of People with Mental Illness: Reproducibility and Minimal Detectable Change |
3 | 10634 | Brief report | 江惠綾、胡育文、葉秋梅、陳增基 陳俊霖 | Huey-Ling Chiang, Yu-Wen Hu, Chiu-Mei Yeh, Tzeng-Ji Chen, Chun-lin Chen | 2017.08.29 | 2017.10.22 | 陳俊霖 |
Topic | 中文:媽媽的自體免疫疾病和孩子的自閉症之間的相關性:台灣的全國性研究 英文:Association of Maternal Autoimmune Diseases and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Nationwide Population Study in Taiwan |
4 | 10643 | Brief report | 陳抱寰、蔡尚穎、陳孟麟、鐘國軒、黃守宏 | Pao-Huan Chen, Shang-Ying Tsai, Meng-Ling Chen, Kuo-Hsuan Chung, Shou-Hung Huang | 2017.09.26 | 2017.11.23 | 蔡尚穎 |
Topic | 中文:老年期雙極性與思覺失調症病人的心電圖特徵比較研究 英文:Differences in Electrocardiographic Findings between Elder Adult Patients with Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia |
5 | 10626 | Letter to the editor | 謝冠瑩、蘇峻逸、邱緻翔、林清華 | Kuan-Ying Hsieh, Chun-Yi Su, Chih-Hsiang Chiu, Ching-Hua Lin | 2017.08.10 | 106.10.23 | 林清華 |
Topic | 中文:行為抑制、愉悅追求、戰鬥反應及僵直反應與網際網路遊戲成癮緩解者之關聯性 英文:Associations of Behavior Inhibition, Fun-seeking, Fighting, and Freezing Response in Patients with Internet Gaming Disorder and those in remission |
6 | 10632 | Letter to the editor | 黃美鳳、劉黛玲、葉怡君、陳正生 | Mei-Feng Huang, Tai-Ling Liu, Yi-Chun Yeh, Cheng-Sheng Chen | 2017.08.28 | 106.10.05 | 葉怡君 |
Topic | 中文:Clobazam誘發史蒂芬強生症候群與HLA-B*1502之相關 英文:Clobazam-induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Associated with HLA-B*1502 |
7 | 10649 | Letter to the editor | 高霈馨、林聖祐、張鳳麟 | Pei-Hsin Kao, Sheng-Yu Lin, Fong-Lin Jang | 2017.12.01 | 2018.01.07 | 高霈馨 |
Topic | 中文:選擇性血清素再回收抑制劑治療引起的低鈉血症的風險:案例報告 英文:Risk of Hyponatremia Induced by a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor A Case Report |