Bord & Policies / Instructions to Authors
- The Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry is published quarterly by the Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry. The editors welcome the submission of articles from all disciplines of psychiatry. Articles must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
- The Journal accepts review articles (by invitation only), original articles, brief reports, and letters-to-the editor. All of the articles should be written in English in American usage.
- a. Original articles are reports of original work. The manuscript length should not exceed 5,500 words, including an English abstract of a maximum of 250 words. In addition, there are no more than 50 references. Eight TJP printed pages are allowed for an original article. The author will be billed for the expense of any TJP overage pages.
- Brief reports: Manuscripts submitted as brief reports should be concise and contain short clinical or technical notes, or preliminary experimental results. They should not exceed 2,500 words and an English abstract of a maximum of 150 words. The number of references should not exceed 25. Four TJP printed pages are allowed for a brief report. The author will be billed for the expense of any TJP overage pages.
- Letters-to-the editor: Letters in response to current journal articles will be considered for publication. They can also describe clinical cases or make medical hypothesis. They should be no more than 1,000 words in length, and may include one table or figure and up to 10 references. Two TJP printed pages are allowed for a letter-to-the editor. The author will be billed for the expense of any TJP overage pages.
Table 1. Specifications for the lengths of all article categories in the Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry effective 2019
Types of articles Number of words in abstract Number of words in the manuscripts Number of reference Reviews 250 8,000 80 Original articles 250 5,500 50 Brief reports 150 2,500 25 Letters-to-the editor No 1,000 10 - The manuscript form must comply with the fifth edition of Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in Vancouver, Canada, which appeared in Annals of Internal Medicine 1997; 126: 36-47. This format has the following requirements:
- Original articles and brief reports: Include title page, abstract, text, acknowledgement, financial support and sponsorship, conflicts of interest, references, tables, figures, and legends in sequence. Each component should begin on a new page.
- There is no fixed format for text of reviews (by invitation only). But English abstract and references must be included.
- Title page. The first page should contain (a) title - abbreviations not allowed; (b) titles, names, academic degrees and affiliations of the authors; (c) the name and full address of the corresponding author, including street address and e-mail address; (d) running title (not exceeding 40 characters and spaces) - abbreviations allowed; and (e) word count. The number of words in the manuscript (including abstract, text, references, tables, and figures) and the number of words in the English abstract should be noted in the upper right-hand corner of the title page.
- Abstract. Reviews, original articles, and brief reports should include English abstract. Four key words should appear with the title key words in the bottom of the abstract. These key words should be able to have relevant reference articles in Medline. It is advised that the key words are not shown in any nouns or noun phrases of the title of the manuscript to amplify the searching power.
- a. Review (by invitation only): The abstract of a review also needs to be structured to be under the sections of objective/background, methods, results and discussion. Key points in the article should be included
- Original articles and brief reports: Both should include a structured abstract with the following headings: Objectives/Background (either but not both) states the primary purpose of the article; Methods describe data sources, subjects, description of the institutional review board (or ethics committee for human experiment) approval (with the information of IRB protocol number, date of approval, and status of signed informed consents), design, and measurements; Results list key study findings. Discussion presents implication of the study data in the context of related existing literature, study limitations, and summary.
- Text. The text should include four sections of Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
- a. The Introduction of the manuscript should address the subject of the paper, covering background issue of the topic, reviewing what has been studied in this topic, the reason why of doing this study, and the purposes of doing current study. Lengthy elaboration is not appropriate.
- The Methods section should identify the study subjects, or used specimens, and explain the laboratory or study methods followed and statistical procedures used in the study. Message of approval by the institutional review board with the information of the IRB protocol number, date of approval, and status of signed informed consents should be included when human subjects are used in the study. The statistical software programs should be given with the names of the companies, cities, states, and countries.
- The Results section should include only pertinent findings. The text should avoid repeated messages which are clearly shown in self-explanatory tables or figures. Proper uses of footnotes or legends to explain the meaning in tables or figures, respectively, are encouraged.
- The Discussion section should contain the discussion based on the study findings, a review of the relevant literature, study limitations, and a summary with key messages from the study. The study limitations of the study findings should be described item by item, preferably to use a bullet sign “.” to make each item of limitations clear. Indicating table or figure number in parenthesis is needed when the study result is mentioned in the text. The message in summary should be the same as that in the conclusion of the abstract.
- References. The journal uses Vancouver (number citation) system. References should be placed consecutively appearing in the order in the text. Identify references in the text, tables and figures by Arabic numerals in brackets [ ]. Examples of correct forms of Vancouver style references are given below. Note that they should be followed in all details, including punctuation.
- References with six or fewer authors should list all authors. References with more than six authors should list the first three authors followed by the notation “et al.”
- Journals: References to journal articles should be presented in this sequence: names of authors, title of article, journal name, year, volume number, beginning page and ending page. Abbreviations of journal names should conform to the style used in Index Medicus (or download “List of Journals Indexed Index Medicus” from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/libprog.html). Journals which are not indexed should not be abbreviated, and should indicate the name of the town where they are published. Examples are:
- Tsuang MT: Abnormality on parental and maternal sides in Chinese schizophrenics. Br J Psychiatry 1971; 118: 211-4.
- Tanimukai H, Kudo T, Tanaka T, Grundke-Iqbal I, Iqbal K, Takeda M: Novel therapeutic strategies for neurodegenerative disease. Psychogeriatrics 2009; 9: 103-9.
- Jun JH, Lee JA, Choi TY, Yun KJ, Lim HJ, Lee MS: Herbal medicine (Gan Mai Da Zao decoction) for depression: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open 2014; 4: e003690.
- Allgulander C: Opportunities for transnational and translational research in Europe. African Journal of Psychiatry (Johannesberg) 2013; 16: 71-3.
- Warren CR, Serrato JJ, Marguire GA: Off-label uses of second-generation antipsychotic drugs. Taiwan J Psychiatry 2012; 26: 162-76.
- Books: They should be presented in the sequence of names of authors, title of article, names of editors, title of book, edition (volume), city of publication, publisher, year, beginning page and ending page. Examples are:
- Lin TY, Rin H, Yeh EK, Hsu CC, Chu HM: Mental disorders in Taiwan: fifteen years later: a preliminary report. In: Caudill W, Lin
- A manuscript submitted but not yet accepted, similar unpublished items, and Internet information should not appear in the reference entries of the references section. Such citations may be noted in text in parentheses. It is the author’s responsibility to provide written permission to refer to another individual’s unpublished observations.
- Website address is not a valid reference entry under the references section. But it can be cited in text in parentheses inside the text.
- Data analysis. Adequate description of statistical analysis should be provided, including the names of the statistical tests and whether tests were one- or two-tailed. Standard deviations, rather than standard errors of the mean, are required. Statistical tests that are not well-known should be referenced. All significant and important non-significant results must include the test value, degree(s) of freedom, and probability. “N (%),” “mean standard deviation,” and “odd ratio (95% confidence interval)” should be treated as number units. The significance levels of differences between groups should be rounded up and limited to four levels —- non-significance, p < 0.05, p < 0.01, and p < 0.001. For example, the analysis of variance indicated that those who abstained from coffee had significantly higher course grades than those who did not abstain (F = 4.32, df = 3, 17, p < 0.05). Reviewers will evaluate the appropriateness of the analyses.
- Tables and figures
- The first letter of the first words which appear in a table or a figure should be in an upper case letter.
- Tables: Vertical lines should be avoided. Use footnote, symbols are †, ‡, §, etc. in superscript. The asterisk signs, such as “*,” “**,” and “***” are reserved for designations of significance levels.
- Two sets of those tables and figures which are not PC formats should be submitted. The figure number should be indicated underneath the photograph, along with the first author’s name and an arrow indicating the top of the figures. Colors in photographs should be true to the original specimen. Legend and figure should be printed on different pages because figures are subjected to condensation or enlargement, but legends are not. Please also submit the drawing files such as PowerPoint, Coral draw, etc.
- Terminology. All abbreviations and acronyms are to be spelled out when appear for the first time in the text, e.g., Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). Generic rather than trade names of drugs should be used.
- Research ethics
- If human subjects were involved in the study, authors should have the approval of the institutional review board with protocol number, date of approval, and status of signed informed consents. The fact should be stated in the text under the subtitle of study subjects in the methods section.
- If vertebral animals other than human were involved in the study, the permission from the animal study committee of author’s institution is needed. This fact needs to be stated in the text.
- All authors need to declare any financial support and sponsorship as well as conflicts of interest after the acknowledgement section of a review, an original article, or a brief report, or in the last sentence of a letter-to-the editor.
- Manuscripts must be typewritten in double-line-spacing, on one side only of A4 paper, with margins of at least 3 cm. Manuscripts should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page.
- Two copies of the manuscript, an approval of manuscript submission by all authors, and an e-file containing the manuscript in a flash disk, or in the attached file through e-mail should be submitted to: Dr. Winston W. Shen, Editor-in-Chief, The Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry, F9-3, No. 22, Song Jiang Road, Taipei 10455, Taiwan
- Papers that do not comply with the TJP style specifications or do not meet the requirements (including word count, the wrong reference entries under the references section, etc.) will be returned un-reviewed.
- The authors of the submitted manuscripts should work cooperatively with the TJP office staff during the peer review process. The first revision of the manuscript after the first round of assessment should be made within two weeks. Any future revisions should be completed in two weeks. The manuscripts will be rejected if the authors do not keep up with the peer review schedules.
- To speed up the peer review process and to avoid unneeded follow-up reviews, the contributing authors are required to write all new words in red-colored without the need to write a line-by-line reply letter to explain where the corrections are made in the new revision of the manuscript. Or the authors can simply send in a copy of a yellow-colored highlighted version of the old manuscript to show where the corrections are made.
- Once a paper is accepted for publication, the copyright becomes the property of the Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry. No part of the article published before 2019 can be reproduced by any means without written permission. This does not apply to the open access articles (under the license CC BY-NC-SA) published in the Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry since 2019.