Bord & Policies / Peer review process
- Summary of manuscripts on each stages as every Friday
- B1:Reviewed by the 2 reviewers
- C1:Revised by the author
- D1:Follow-up reviews by the previous 2 reviewers
- B2:Reviewed by another 2 reviewers
- C2:Revising by the author
- D2:Follow-up reviews by 2 new reviewers
- E:Accepting the manuscript
- Stages of manuscript processing
- A perfect manuscript:B1→E (An acceptance letter is sent by editor-in-chief)
- A lousy manuscript:B1→E (A rejection letter is sent by editor-in-chief)
- One reviewer requests revision, but other reviewer does not: B1→B2
- Each manuscript that is not rejected should be marked with the following dates:
- A:The date shown: The date when the manuscript is received
- B1:Tthe date shown: The date when the manuscript is sent to 2 reviewers
- C1:The date shown: The date when the manuscript is sent back to the author
- D1:The date shown: The date when the manuscript is sent for follow-up review
- B2:The date shown: The date when the manuscript is sent to the new reviewers
- C2:The date shown : The date when the manuscript is sent back to the author
- D2:The date shown: The date when the manuscript is sent for follow-up review
- E:The date shown: The date manuscript is accepted: Calculating how many days it takes from the date when manuscript is received to the date when the manuscript is accepted.