Bord & Policies / Editorial policies


The By-law of the Editorial Committee of the Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry

Ratified at the 2nd of the 1st Board of Directors and Supervisors' Meeting, April 3, 1961
Revised at the 1st of the 13Board of Directors and Supervisors' Meeting, November 21, 1985
Revised at the 8th of the 16th Board of Directors and Supervisors' Meeting, August 26, 1993
Revised at the 7th of 18th Board of Directors and Supervisors' Meeting, May 29, 1997
Revised at the 7th of the 21st Board of Directors and Supervisors' Meeting, August 24, 2003
Revised at the 8th of the 24th Board of Directors and Supervisors' Meeting, August 29, 2009

Article 1. This Committee is set up according to the By-law of the Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry, Article 23, and is named as the Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry Editorial Committee.
Article 2. The mission of the Editorial Committee is for the planning, development, editing, publishing, and evaluation on the Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry and its related publications.
Article 3. The Committee consists of a chairman and 6 to 8 members. The chairman is elected among the society members by the board of director for a term of 3 years. The tern is renewable. The members are nominated by the chairman of the Committ, and are appointed after the Board of Directors agrees.
Article 4. The Committee can set up an editorial office to take charge of the editing and publishing of the Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry and its related publications. The editorial office consists of an editor-in-chief, an associate editor, and several executive editors. The chairman is also the editor-in-chief. The associate editor and the executive editors are nominated by the editor-in-chief, and are appointed after the Board of Directors agrees.
Article 5. The Committee may appoint consultant editors, who are nominated by the editor-in-chief, and is appointed after the Board of Directors agrees.
Article 6. The Committee holds one meeting every 3 months, and the chairman can call an extraordinary meeting when necessary.
Article 7. The articles of the Committee are sent to the Board of Directors for approval before putting into effect. When alterations are made, the process will be the same.
Editorial Committe, Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry
9F-3, 22, Song-Jiang Rd., Taipei 104, Taiwan
Email/ │ TEL/886-2-2567-8295 │ FAX/886-2-2567-8218