Past Issues

The Association of Mood Disorders, Psychoactive Drugs and Gastroesophageal Refl ux Disease (GERD): A National Populationbased Study

Y i n g - C h a n g P a n , S zu-Nian Yang, Lih-Jong Shen, Chun-Pei Weng, Chia-Hao Chang, Ping Tao, Ching-Wen Chien

Objective: This study was to examine the association of mood disorders and psychoactive drugs with GERD. Method: In this study, we retrospectively analyzed 2003-2006 Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD). The case cohort included pati
Key Word gastroesophageal refl ux disease (GERD), mood disorders, antipsychotic drugs, antidepressant drugs
Editorial Committe, Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry
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