Past Issues

Malingering and Malingering by Proxy in an Adult Patient: The Need for Inpatient Forensic Evaluation

Shing-Rung Tzeng, Chiung-Hsu Chen, Happy Kuy-Lok Tan

This 39-year-old male patient with schizo-phrenia was diagnosed at the age of 21 years. His initial clinical presentations were auditory halluci-nations with hearing Satan’s voices, and visual hallucinations with images of ghosts, and disorga-nized behaviors. He got psychiatric treatment for seven years with poor drug compliance, and then he lost follow-up. But he had kept fairly daily and occupational function without medical treatment. Since 1998, he and his brothers were continually charged with imposture with a lot of money. When he was put in jail, he developed mutism, and was nearly in catatonic-like state in 2004. He was re-leased from the jail due to the above-mentioned symptoms.
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Editorial Committe, Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry
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