Past Issues

The Reliability of Readiness to Change Questionnaire - Treatment Version Chinese Version (RCQ-TV [Ch]) in Heroin Users

Hou-Liang Chen, Vincent Chin-Hung Chen, Siou-Yi Wang, Tsang-Yaw Lin

Objective: The Readiness to Change Questionnaire - treatment Version (RCQ-TV) has been widely used in addiction research. In this study, we intended to evaluate the reliability of the Readiness to Change Questionnaire-Treatment Version Chinese version (RCQ-TV [Ch]) among heroin users in Taiwan. Methods: The study subjects were 129 heroin users attending methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) Program at Tsaotun Psychiatric Center (TTPC) in Central Taiwan. The enrolled individuals completed the RCQ-TV [Ch] in the fi rst day of the program and rated it again after 7 days to detect the test-retest reliability. Internal consistence was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha coeffi cients. Results: The intra- class correlation coeffi cient for the total RCQ-TV [Ch] score was 0.52 (95% CI 0.31 - 0.66). With regard to internal consistency, Cronbach’s alpha coeffi cient for pre-contemplation scale, contemplation scale, action scale, and total scale were 0.57, 0.42, 0.77 and 0.67, respectively. Conclusion: The RCQ-TV [Ch] had a moderate test-retest reliability internal consistency among heroin users in Taiwan.
Key Word addiction, readiness to change, reliability, methadone
Editorial Committe, Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry
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