The Prescriptions of Antipsychotic Polypharmacy and Antiparkinson Drugs Have Been Changed in Psychiatric Practice Si-Sheng Huang
Preventive Psychiatry in Late Life: Studies on Depression and Dementia from the Singapore Gerontology Research Program Ee Heok Kua, Mahendran Rathi, Lei Feng, Xianfeng Tian, Tze Pin Ng
Inflammatory Process, Neurodegenation and Novel Treatment in Mental Disorders: Study Demonstrations with Memantine and Dextromethorphan Ru-Band Lu, Sheng-Yu Lee, Shiou-Lan Chen, Yun-Hsuan Chang
Original Articles
Needs and Quality of Life of the Patients with Schizophrenia Living in Halfway Houses Chia-Jung Hsieh, Chueh Chang, Shing-Chia Chen, Ya-Wen Shih
Adherence Analysis of Couples with Violence Completing Marital Therapy Lien-Chien Yang, Hsiu-Chu Tung, For-Wey Lung
Changing Patterns of Antipsychotic Prescription and Concomitant Antiparkinson Drug Use at a Taiwanese Psychiatric Hospital Yu-Hsuan Wu, Mei-Feng Huang, Chun-Yang Lai, Yu-Hui Huang, Yu-San Chang
Will the Content of Positive Memory Recall Matter for Repairing Sad Mood? The Comparison of Autobiographic vs. Others’ Memory Chia-Ling Chiu, Sue-Huei Chen
Brief Report
Applying Rasch Analysis to Assessing the Social Distance Scale in Patients with Schizophrenia Ya-Hui Su, Shih-Ming Li, Yao-An Tsai
Letters to the Editor
The CIDI Interview Tool Is Based on Criteria of Both the DSM-IV and the ICD-10 Yueqin Huang