The Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry Welcomes Submission of Letters-to-the Editor Winston W. Shen
From “Focusing on Access, Quality and Humane Care in 2014” to “Bridging Asia to the World in 2015” Frank Huang-Chih Chou
A Commentary on Air Pollutants and Suicide Chia-Ming Chang
Depression Precedes Dementia: Shared Common Etiologies, Cause, or Prodrome Cheng-Sheng Chen
Original Articles
Construct Validity of the Quality of Life for Patients with Schizophrenia Shu-Chun Lee, Jin-Ding Lin, En-Chi Chiu, For-Wey Lung
Effects of Psychopathology on the Characteristics of Individuals with Self-reported Electromagnetic Field Hypersensitivity Mei-Chih Meg Tseng, Yi-Ping Lin, Tsun-Jen Cheng
Air Pollutants and Suicide Rate: A Cross-sectional Time Series Analysis Jui-Feng Tsai
Test-retest Reliability and Minimal Detectable Change of Chu’s Attention Test in Persons with Chronic Schizophrenia Posen Lee, Chin-Hsuan Liu, Hung-Yu Lin, Yen-Lin Chen, Wen-Shian Lu, Ching-Lin Hsieh
Brief Report
Sleep Perception and Mood in Insomnic Patients Theodoros Mazarakis, Nai-Yen Wang
Letters to the Editor
Malingering and Malingering by Proxy in an Adult Patient: The Need for Inpatient Forensic Evaluation Shing-Rung Tzeng, Chiung-Hsu Chen, Happy Kuy-Lok Tan